Burning Heart

Burning Heart

It’s February! Hearts and flowers? Chocolates and wine? Well, not always. Undying love – yes – for a good book, well written, thought-provoking, and enthralling. Many old favorites spring to mind. Books that I read in my youth that profoundly affected the path I took....
2022 New Year’s Resolutions

2022 New Year’s Resolutions

A Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone. When we are at the start of a new year we think of New Year’s resolutions. In the Christian calendar, it’s a little like Lent when we have an opportunity to give up things that are not so good for us. In Islam, there is advice...


A library visitor asked me if I could write a wish list of the books we need. Although without books we wouldn’t be a library, my wish list wouldn’t begin with books. That might seem a strange thing for a librarian to say, but guess what would be top of my list? Yes!...
Introducing the Library’s NEW Makerspace!

Introducing the Library’s NEW Makerspace!

Looking for something interesting to do? Look no further! Introducing MAKERSPACE. A makerspace is just what it says – a space for making things. Here at the Catasauqua Public Library, we have done just that! If you like making things, then stop by any time we’re open...
New Year’s Resolutions To Live By!

New Year’s Resolutions To Live By!

Many of us make “New Year’s Resolutions” convinced that this is going to be the year we keep those promises.  We are well-intended!  Truth be told, sometimes we don’t even make it to February.  Perhaps the reason for that has something to do with the nature of the...